
  1. Creating a realtime reporting tool for Genesys flows
  2. Automating development of Genesys chatbots
  3. Automate testing Genesys' Web Messenger
  4. Genesys: Troubleshooting Web Service Data Actions
  5. Reading List of 200 Software Developers
  6. Automating how IVR call flows are tested
  7. Let's apply Hexagonal Architecture!
  8. Let's learn Hexagonal Architecture!
  9. Deploying AppSync with Terraform
  10. Consumer-Driven Contracts by Example
  11. Exploring executable JARs with the Spring Boot Plugin
  12. Automating app store screenshots
  13. Password Cracking Cluster - Part 1: Creating the cluster
  14. Profiling Ansible playbooks
  15. Testing activity redirection in Android apps
  16. Testing Docker images
  17. Simplify mocking Dagger2 dependencies with DaggerMock
  18. Testing Pig scripts that use Avro
  19. Continuous integration for Android with Jenkins, Docker and AWS
  20. Continuous deployment of Jekyll website with Jenkins
  21. Hacking together a cheap realtime power usage monitor
  22. Scraping and querying data from websites
  23. How ProGuard protects Android applications from reverse engineering
  24. PowerShell: Extract the summary table from RoboCopy's log file
  25. Resizing text to fit into a container on Android
  26. Conquering the Monolith beast with Android MonkeyRunner
  27. Why you can't recover your KeePass password
  28. Getting Things Done (GTD) in KanbanFlow
  29. Using data URIs in PHP
  30. C# ASP.NET MVC 3 Hyperlink Helper